Stress Less: Aligning Mind and Body

Hey there, lovely souls! Did you know that stress can both impair and improve your health? As someone who believes in the power of holistic well-being, I'm thrilled to share some insights on how we can tackle stress physically, chemically, and emotionally, while highlighting some resources available to help you choose health. First, let’s define what we mean by physical, chemical, and emotional stressors. 

Physical Health

Your body LOVES MOVEMENT! Physical health refers to how you use, or don’t use, your body. Picture your nerves as the backstage crew of your body's blockbuster show – they work tirelessly behind the scenes, making sure everything runs smoothly. But sometimes, we develop poor habits (posture or movement based), which can irritate these nerves, and ultimately interfere with the signals between the brain and your body. Exercise and manual therapies like Chiropractic work to remove these irritations, and restore your body back to optimum function. It's as easy as taking a 30 minute walk, or having one adjustment. Make sure to use your body, or you might lose it.


Emotional Health

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, it's crucial to find time for mindfulness and relaxation. Your nervous system is hard-wired to either fight and flight, or rest-and-digest 🧘‍. The amazing thing about this system is that we can influence it through our thoughts and emotions. Taking a moment to breathe, meditate, or practice yoga can work wonders for controlling your intrusive thoughts and ultimately assisting in your body’s resting and healing. Keep an eye out this month for ‘Bianca’s Top Breathing Exercises’ to help you improve your stress tolerance.


Chemical Health

Chemical health plays a significant role in our experience of stress. When we talk about chemical health, we're referring to what we are ‘putting into’ our bodies, or what we are exposing our bodies to. Nutrition and proper eating habits are amazing at promoting healing in our body. However, poor nutritional habits like eating ultra-processed foods, or not drinking enough water🚰, can throw this equilibrium off and lead to an increase in the production of cortisol. Achieving a healthy chemical balance can be achieved through making smart food choices, like choosing whole foods over processed or refined products, drinking water instead of soft drink, or only have one coffee a day instead of six! If this is an area where you are thinking “Girl! I need help!” then chat to our amazing nutritionist Bianca now!


So, let's make a commitment to prioritise our well-being, reduce stress, and embrace the beauty that surrounds us here at Cottesloe Chiropractic Centre. Remember, you are stronger than your stress!

Stay well! 🌞

Cottesloe Chiropractic

#StressLess #MentalHealthMatters #PerthWellness



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Please subscribe to our newsletter below to receive more blogs like this to your inbox. If you or anyone you know suffers from physical, chemical. or emotional stress, book an appointment today with Dr Liam (Chiropractor), Bianca (Nutritionist), or Nea (Massage Therapist)!


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