Reflexology is a complementary therapy that uses gentle pressure on specific points on your feet (or hands) to help you feel better. It’s based on the belief that these areas, known as reflex zones, correspond to different organs and systems of the body. By applying pressure to these reflex zones, Reflexologists aim to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes and promote overall well-being.

This practice is also helpful in increasing blood flow and circulation throughout the body. This is a non-invasive and complementary therapy which anyone and everyone can benefit from. While reflexology should not be used as a replacement for medical therapy, it can nicely complement your ongoing medical treatments.

The vast benefits of reflexology, and not limited to, include it’s ability to stimulate nerve function, increase energy, boost circulation, induce a deep state of relaxation, improve digestion, eliminate toxins, stimulate the central nervous system, prevent migraines, speed up recovery after injury or surgery, and improve general well-being.

How often should you receive Reflexology?

Regular treatments are the best way for your body to benefit from this balanced environment. Sessions can be weekly, fortnightly, or monthly. If you have no health concerns and are using Reflexology as a preventative healthcare option, then monthly treatments are recommended.

Is Reflexology better than a foot massage?

Foot reflexology has far-reaching health benefits compared to foot massage, as it triggers a holistic healing response in the body. The focus and techniques differ. Reflexology has the potential to facilitate healing on many levels, whereas a foot massage is primarily focused on relaxation and soothing effects.

The bottom line

Whether you spend all day standing, workout daily, or wear shoes most of the time, your feet really take a beating. And all of that doesn’t just affect your feet - it affects your whole body!

If you’re interested in booking a Reflexology session, contact Cottesloe Chiropractic Centre today and book in your next session with Nea!


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